Maya Karabula-Stysiak

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Hello, my name is Maya. I work as a software / web engineer and I am located in Berlin. I have primarily experience with frontend technologies (React) but I am no stranger to backend (node,, ruby on rails) and adjecent topics like tracking, testing, devops.

Below you can find some more information about my work experience.

1. Contact



2. Articles, demos

React integration with Azure and ASP.NET core [medium]

Our experience with Azure Active Directory B2C [medium]

Open vCPE & SD-WAN Solution powered by Cloudify - UI [youtube]

3. Recent work experience (full on Linkedin)

Contentful, Senior Software Engineer (currently)

Merge App on Contentful

HelloFresh GO, Senior Software Engineer

HelloFresh GO is a company that started as a project within HelloFresh

HelloFresh GO website

Heyjobs, Software Engineer

Heyjobs website